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Training for researchers


Accessibility of healthcare training opportunities across Wessex region.

Training for Researchers


Grant writing

Essential Guide to Grant Applications; Fellowship Application Day; Preparing a research proposal for NIHR RfPB programme; Grant Development and Writing Retreat.

Research Delivery​

 Site file management; The research conversation; Practical laboratory skills and training for researchers.

Programme event​

NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme event; Supporting Social Care Research in South Central.

Good Clinical Practice​

Good Clinical Practice (GCP)-Introduction, refresher; informed consent training.

Introduction to research – general/specific​

Next steps in delivering Clinical Research; CRIC; Introduction to the Clinical Research Network; Introduction to Research.

Research management & governance​

AcoRD Practitioner/ AcoRD Masterclass; Essentials of Research Sponsorship; Local Capacity and Capability for Research; Regulatory Inspection Ready; Essentials of NHS Research.


Spring and Autumn Researcher Schools: Managing a research career; Achieving a work-life balance; Strategies for connecting and working with others.

Primary Care training and resources​

Primary Care Commercial Research Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement.

Principal Investigator courses – general/specific​

Anaesthesia-specific; Gastroenterology and Hepatology-specific PI training for researchers; PI Workshop.


Qualitative research methods;  implementation science through bitesize presentations.


CRN - Clinical Research Network, Wessex

NHS R&D - NHS Research and Development

RDS -  Research Design Service: South-Central

University of Portsmouth - University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth Hospital Trust)

South-central ambulance - South-central ambulance service

Wessex PIN - Wessex Public Involvement Network 

SoAR - Southampton Academy of Research

HHFT - Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dorset County Hospital - Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Dorset Healthcare - Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust

BU - Bournemouth University 

SHTAC - Southampton Health Technology Assessment Centre, University of Southampton

ARC - NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, Wessex

UHD - University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trusts

Wessex Institute - Wessex Institute (School of Healthcare Enterprise & Innovation), University of Southampton

CTU - Southampton Clinical Trials Unit, University of Southampton

PCRC - Primary Care Research Centre, University of Southampton

Solent - Solent NHS Trust

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Hear from researchers working in healthcare, including advice for getting started.

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