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Miriam Simmons-Dauvin

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Talking Therapies, Goal setting and monitoring


Anita Immanuel

Cancer survivorship
Living With and beyond Cancer
Quality of Life


Zoe Saynor

I am an Associate Professor in Clinical Exercise Physiology and lead for both the Physical Activity, Health and Rehabilitation Thematic Research Group and Clinical, Health and Rehabilitation research Team (CHaRT) within the School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science at the University of Portsmouth. I am an honorary researcher at several NHS Trusts (Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust; University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust) and Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) Accredited Clinical Exercise Physiologist. At the heart of everything I do is promoting safe and appropriate physical activity and exercise for all. I practice what I preach and have competed nationally and internationally as an elite athlete (rugby union) and am passionate about the application of skills and knowledge from the field of sport and exercise science and elite sport to the clinical arena. I


Dr Samuel Nyman

Head of Department of Psychology and Reader in Health Psychology: Expertise in applied health psychology with older people including people with dementia: falls prevention; physical activity promotion; behaviour change; randomised controlled trials including use of qualitative methods.


Dawn-Marie Walker

My research focusses on mental health from a holistic perspective, focussing on place based inequalities in mental health. For example, my latest grant I am leading has research co-applicants from Engineering, and Geography. Our aim in this project is to develop an innovative model which removes physical and societal barriers in enjoying green and blue spaces to ensure that all people are independent and equal in society. I have just finished a small project to ascertain how mental health provision is provided by community organisations and charities and am in the process of writing this up. Another grant I’m involved in is a qualitative piece of work to determine the mental health needs and resilience in refugee communities.


Jo Picot

Senior Research Fellow contributing to and leading the production of Technology Assessment Report for NICE, primarily single technology appraisals (STAs) but also multiple technology appraisals (MTAs) and diagnostic technology appraisals (DARs). In addition, contributing to and leading the production of systematic reviews, scoping reviews, an overview of systematic reviews and a regular contributor to SHTAC's external training programme on systematic reviews.


Robin Poole

Clinical background as a GP before moving into public health. Portfolio areas include health protection, health intelligence and health care public health

Public health

Becky Wilkinson

Public Health - particularly the wider determinants of health

Public health

Issy Reading

Professorial Fellow in Medical Statistics


Dr Emily Lyness

Primary healthcare education
Self management of disease
Acute community care


Dr Gail Mann

Care relationships
Person-centred care
Restorative practice
Organisational/leadership cultures
Practitioner personhood

Speech and language therapy

Joanne Lord

Joanne Lord is a health economist specialising in cost-effectiveness analysis and decision modelling. She is the director of the Southampton Health Technology Assessments Group (SHTAC) at the University of Southampton, who assess clinical and economic evidence for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). She also collaborates with clinical and health service researchers on a variety of projects; leading health economic evaluations conducted alongside clinical trials and developing cost-effectiveness models.

Health economist

Kinda Ibrahim

Dr Kinda Ibrahim is Associate Professor, working in Academic Geriatric Medicine at the University of Southampton with a pharmacy background. She is also the deputy lead for Ageing and Dementia Theme/Associate Lead for Career Development, NIHR Wessex ARC.


Cathy Bowen

Foot and Ankle,
Musculoskeletal Health,
Active Living


Hazel Everitt

Professor of Primary Care Research


Eunice Aroyewun

Eunice Aroyewun is a Senior Research Assistant at the University of Southampton. Her special interest is in child and adolescent health.

Public Health

Emma King

Emma King is an academic Head and Neck surgeon working clinically in UHD and academically at the University of Southampton.

Medical Background

Kelly Adams

Kelly is Deputy Chief Operating Officer for the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN) in Wessex and regional Workforce Development Lead.

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